@Yuqing  Lin  2022


    yuqing  lin                   

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2023  4k video loop,  color

   Music: Yew Brown
   Cast: Wenxin huang, Ziyun Huang,Kerriaca Kendall

   Thanks for my friends who helped with this work:Liming Lin

,Xinyu Xu,Hang Li 

Tentacle Eye is a fictional spell-film,In the telling of a story about an underground kingdom, a pair of ambiguously related lovers also seem to be traveling back through a tunnel to their own past - to their memories of land and some dreamlike fantasy and fragments.

 The perspective of the film moves between the monologue of ghosts, and different non-human perspectives. Interspersed with the text about a princess who loses her sight in an underground world, this recitation combines the Wu and haunted literature of ChuCi,Liao zhai. Rewriting the land bound thinking and heroic narrative implicit in these stories into an anti-origin, fragmented narrative that interpenetrates and intermingles with the non-human.

This work is about the feeling of hiding, and being suspended, explores the entanglement with non-human beings, the internal experiences of queer bodies, and how ghost are interrelated with the experience of migration of different bodies. As the world and each other transform, the narrative and plot are erased by images, creating a displacement. The suspended intimate state is able to land in encounters with non-human beings.




“To address the past (and future), to speak with ghosts, is not to entertain or reconstruct some narrative of the way it was, but to respond, to be responsible, to take responsibility for that which we inherit (from the past and the future), for the entangled

relationalities of inheritance that ‘we’ are, to acknowledge and be responsive to the noncontemporaneity of the present, to put oneself at risk, to risk oneself (which is never one or self), to open oneself up to indeterminacy in moving towards what is to-come.     ”                                                                                               [Barad]